Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Post vino weekend

So, survived the weekend. Drank lots of wine, but did not kill the liver. That counts as a win I believe! Oh, I may not have told you.. I was in the Clare Valley on the weekend enjoying the products of this important wine growing area.

So, over the weekend I did not do much in the way of weight training (try none) and only a small amount of walking. I did however, walk up and down the long steep driveway to where we were staying several times to ensure that our friends dog got exercised (about ten minutes each way, either all up hill, or all downhill)

But, on the plus side, I did not drink a lot of beer. I also can say, that as of this morning, I am still over 106kgs in weight, so I did not lose much weight over the weekend, despite not eating as much as I normally would...

Oh, and did I mention? Virgin Blue Airlines still do not impress me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

taking stock

So... It has been a few days. I say that everytime these days, don’t I? So, what is new?

Well, first, I am back up to 107kgs. I think it is mostly muscle, not fat. I cannot say for sure, seeing as I do not have the relevent testing equipment. But, what I can say, is that my jeans are tighter around my legs, my gut seems to be shrinking, but is certainly not growing, and generally I look like my muscles on my trunk are starting to become more prominent. Certainly, the muscles on my arms and legs are becoming more pronounced, so something is happening.

My stomach feels more muscular. It feels like the muscle is closer to the surface, and firmer than it was before, but, is it really? Only time will tell, when I can start to see my six pack showing through, and when I can start to see my ribs showing through, rather than being buried under a layer of fat as they are now.

Also, I have started to use my new dumb bells. Granted, 20kg dumb bells are not a big deal, not like lifting 100kgs in a bench press is. But, for someone who is still getting back into the reshaping thing, 20kgs on each arm, is a significant deal. I certainly do not think I am going to stick with this weight into next year, but I do think it is a sure sign of progress, and a pleasing improvement on the past.

I am also noticing some of my shirts are getting tight across the shoulders and chest, not to mention my arms. These are places that normally I do not have clothes that fit tightly, so this must be a good thing, indicating that parts of me are growing. And these are parts that do not have large amounts of fat on them, so something must be happening the way I want it.

So, all round, it seems to be an improvement on many levels. I have also been walking most days, improving my cardio fitness levels. Hopefully by the time it is warm enough to spend time shirtless, my body has improved enough that I am not embarrassed to show it off.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The dumb bells!!! They are here!!!

YAY!!! New dumb bells!!!!

20kg exercises here I come!!! I am also having my first beer since the weekend.. Tastes very good, but I feel I deserve it after carrying the dumb bells from the bus stop home...

Not a lot to say today, but my hands hurt from carrying the bags I put the dumb bells in!!!

Monday, September 07, 2009

over 106kgs!! WOOT!

Hmm... I am trying honest, but I keep failing to put up new posts. I do all my thinking about what I want to discuss while I am walking home very often, then when I get home, I am too buggered to do anything about the posts. Today though, I only walked a small part of the way home, thanks to the well timed electrical storm and attached downpour. Well timed, as in just as I was trying to walk home!!!

Ok, first up. Last week, I did everything I wanted to do in terms of rebuilding my bod, except one thing that I did try to do but circumstances worked against me. I walked home every day, I did my exercises each morning. I tried to buy the next size up dumb bells, but would you believe, for the second time in a row that I went there, the store did not have that size dumb bells. WTF??? Four of the weights on either side, but none of the one I want? Stock ordering FAIL!!!

The next thing I wanted to talk about? Beer, or rather, the need for me to stop drinking lots of it.

I have been going through about a six pack every two days, at least, sometimes more beer. But, if I am trying to reduce my gut and find the six pack hiding underneath the fat, I need to watch the carb intake. Dropping the beer intake is probably going to make a bigger difference than almost anything I can think of... But I do not want to!!! But I know that dropping the beer will make a big difference, so do it I will!!!!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Hmm.. I have got to start posting more regularly than every ten days. Seriously, if I am doing this to keep motivated and on the right track, I need to do it more often...

That said, I weighed myself today, and I am definitely not losing weight anymore. I am believing this is a good thing. I would like to believe I am building muscle. But, having not worked out with weights for the best part of a week, I have to confess, that seems unlikely. Especially considering how hard it felt today. But, I did do lots of walking on the weekend with my parents, so at least my cardio fitness should be good, so in theory, I should not have been putting on fat. But then, Ann Elks had a theory too, and we know how good that was!!! (monty python reference!)

So, having finally got the backroom reorganised after The Gorgeous One decided to move chairs around, making working out impractical, I have started back on weights again. I fully expect my shoulders chest and arms to complain tomorrow. But I do not care. I want to have a beautiful, beach body, so I have to deal with a bit of pain now and then.

Having said that, I have still been walking home from work most days. Not everyday, but most. Usually four a week, which exceeds my 3 times a week requirement.And I can tell the flab around my gut is starting to move. It all feels firmer, and tauter. Sure, I can still see flab, but it is still shrinking. This is a very good thing...

I still wish there was a pill, which made it all go away faster, but the only legal weightloss pill that works also has some rather nasty side effects, so I will skip that thanks!!!